Nesclerosis multiple pdf fisiopatologia medicamentos

Expression of metabotropic glutamate receptors in multiple sclerosis brain. It is the leading cause of disability in this group. Multiple sclerosis is the main cause of neurological disability in young adults. Esclerosis multiple dr balicevic y robles gentile definiti. The clinical course is usually characterized by severe. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. Multiple sclerosis ms is a chronic inflammatory and neurodegenerative disease characterized by focal areas of demyelinationaxonal damage known as plaques.

However, the disco v e r y of new ways of diagnosis as the magnetic re sonance imaging mri and the new tre a t m e n t s such as interferon 1a and 1b have provided an im p o r tant change in pronostic and quality of life in these patients. There are different etiological hypotheses talking of a close interrelation among predisposing genetic factors and dissimilar environmental factors, able to give raise to autoimmune response. In cuba, a tropical region considered of low prevalence, there are approximately from 550 to 1 650 patients. Esclerosis multiple diagnostico y tratamiento mayo clinic. The diagnostic criteria currently used include clinical or paraclinical demonstration of the dissemination of these lesions in space and time, and the exclusion of alternative. It has a wide clinical spectrum from benign to malignant forms.

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